Summer Hike with Aaron Steed
"Summer is a wonderful time of the year with birds fledging through the warmer months. With an abundance of food and cover, many young birds are around. Tree Swallows and Eastern Bluebirds use the bird houses and Carlina Wren chicks scurry around the FENCE buildings looking for food.
When |
Jun 26, 2014
from 08:00 AM to 10:00 AM |
Where | Fence Center |
Contact Name | Tracie Hanson |
Contact Phone | 8288599021 |
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Our summer birdwalk will concentrate on those birds that breed on or around the FENCE property, listening to their songs and learning a little about their breeding biology. Join us for our 2 hour walk, but bring a hat and sunscreen."
This bird hike has been made possible by the Kirby Endowment at Polk County Community Foundation.