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Pasta Making class

FENCE is excited to host their first pasta making class with Launa Tierney “the pasta lady” and face of Homemade Pasta Noodles! Attendees will get to make their own homemade fettuccine to take home with them. After the hands-on portion of the class, attendees will enjoy dinner featuring fettuccine with homemade tomato basil sauce, salad, local bread. This class is $55 per person to attend. All supplies and ingredients are included in the $55 fee. Don’t miss out on this fun, fettuccine making experience! Space is limited, contact FENCE to register. Advance registration is required for this event. For more information or to register visit, call 828-859-9021, or email
When Oct 27, 2022
from 06:00 PM to 08:30 PM
Where FENCE Center
Contact Name
Contact Phone 828-859-9021
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PastaAfter the hands-on portion of the class, attendees will enjoy dinner featuring fettuccine with homemade tomato basil sauce, salad, local bread. This class is $55 per person to attend. All supplies and ingredients are included in the $55 price.

Don’t miss out on this fun, fettuccine making experience! Space is limited, contact FENCE to register. Advance registration is required for this event. For more information or to register visit, call 828-859-9021, or email

About Launa:

"I am a fourth generation Italian American. In our large Italian family, homemade pasta is tradition. Our family takes pride in passing the pasta machine down the family tree but as our fast-paced lives progress many things take us out of the kitchen. Traditions become memories and stories of generations past and family techniques, inadvertently, become lost. I have been trained by three generations instilling strong traditional techniques to making homemade pasta noodles. My grandma patiently taught me to pay close attention to the type of flour selected, the quality of the egg, the humidity of the room, the moisture in the dough, and the most important part, the thickness of the dough. The ingredients may be the same as dried pasta, but the taste and texture are much better. For centuries our family has put their heart, their soul, and our heritage into the noodles.

Visit my website to read more
about the strong Italian women who shaped my passion."

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