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Concert with Myron Hyman

Myron Hyman will be performing at FENCE on Sunday, February 20th. Join us for this free performance. Seating is limited-Please register in advance by emailing or calling 828-859-9021. Face coverings are strongly encouraged for attendees, extra masks will be available for guests.
When Feb 20, 2022
from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
Where FENCE Center
Contact Name
Contact Phone 828-859-9021
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Myron Hyman is originally from Venice, California and moved here to WNC in early 2018 with his wife Laura. Myron plays a wide variety of music featuring Classic Rock, Blues, Country as well as Originals. Some of the covers feature, The Grateful Dead, Prince, Bob Dylan, Merle Haggard, Neil Young, Led Zeppelin among many other artists. Myron encourages people to get involved and sing along and dance or just close their eyes and reminisce about that certain song that brings back memories. He performs regularly around town at many local venues. 

This event is free and open to the public. Please register in advance. This event is made possible thanks to the Kirby Endowment at the Polk County Community Foundation. 

Here is his website for clips of music and dates of where he will be playing

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