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FULL-Bird walk

This event is full. Registration is required for this free program. Join us for a Spring bird walk around the FENCE property.
When Mar 25, 2021
from 08:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Where fence center
Contact Name
Contact Phone 828-859-9021
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We are all ready for spring and the birds have started to arrive. The first swallows of the year have already arrived and many more will be winging their way north in the next few weeks. Join us for our first bird walk of the year on Thursday, March 25th at 8 AM. Please meet at the FENCE Center and be ready for a 2 hour walk around the property. In addition to Tree and Northern Rough-winged Swallows, we should see Blue-headed Vireo, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and maybe Common Yellowthroat. This walk around the FENCE property will be lead by Simon Thompson,Ventures birding and international bird guide. 

Due to COVID, space for this event will be limited. Please plan to wear a face covering during this walk when social distancing is not available. Attendees should wear comfortable walking shoes, bring a water bottle, and bring along binoculars if you have them. 

Due to limited space, registration is required for this event. To register for this program call FENCE at 828-859-9021 or email

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