2012 TR&HC 37th Horse Trials
When |
Sep 29, 2012 07:00 AM
Sep 30, 2012 05:00 PM |
Contact Name | Laura Weickert |
Contact Phone | 828-859-6109 |
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Entry fee includes a $25 non-refundable office fee. Double Entries not accepted. USEA membership required at all levels including Novice. BN competitors who are not USEA members must pay extra $25 with entry. If oversubscribed, priority given to USEA members. Intro competitors are exempt from USEA Membership/nonmembership fees and starter/d&m fees. Refunds: Before CD-Less $25 nonrefundable office fee; After CD- Entry/Stabling- Less $25 ONLY if place filled from waiting list. Competition Cancellation-No refund. Withdrawals must be in writing, emailed or faxed. Any changes after Sept. 11, 2012 must accompany entry. Current USEF card must accompany P entries. Competitors check website for entry status & times: www.trhcevents.org.
Org: Alicia Henderson, 3323 Chimney Rock Road, Hendersonville, NC 28792,
(828) 685-0129, windridge@ioa.com
Event Fees Directory - see individual section for details. Draw checks to TR&HC.
All horses on grounds must be entered or registered as Non-competing.
Entry: All recognized divisions BN - P: $165.00; Intro: $100.00
Non-Competing horses: $25 must register with secretary and wear a bridle tag at
all times while on grounds.
Stabling: $120.00.
Addit'l night: $ 20.00
Grounds fee: $ 20.00
Bedding: $ 7.50
Camping: $ 50.00
Fri: Cross-country course open-3pm.
Sat: Dressage-7:30am; Show Jumping-9:30am.
Sun: Cross-Country-8:00 am.
Trophy & 8 ribbons. Awards after completion of each division.
Limited. (300 perm. stalls w/doors on grounds). $120/stall from noon on Fri. to 6pm Sun; $20/additional night. Grounds fee for horse entered but not stabling on grounds, $20. Non-competitng horse must be stabled or pay grounds fee. All horses on grounds must be entered or registered as Non-competing. No portable stalls allowed. NO initial bedding provided. Order bedding on stabling form
($7.50/bag): Extra bedding available from office. Veterinarian: On grounds, #posted with Secretary and on show office board. Competition address: 3381 Hunting Country Rd, Tryon.