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FREE Celtic Christmas Concert

Bring the family for this beautiful Christmas concert with Rosalind Buda performing. This event is free and open to the public! Come join us in celebration of the Holiday Season! Thank you to the Kirby Endowment at the Polk County Community Foundation for making this event possible.
When Dec 01, 2024
from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
Where FENCE Center
Contact Name
Contact Phone 8288599021
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Experience the beauty of the holiday season at FENCE with a musical performance from piper and multi instrumentalist, Rosalind Buda. Rosalind performs on the Scottish Smallpipes and whistle and will be bringing the Celtic sounds of the season to life. Please join us for an intimate performance of ancient tunes and songs from the Celtic lands and Appalachia. A note about Rosalind’s pipes: the Smallpipes are a quieter version of the classic Great Highland Bagpipes, similar in volume to the Irish Uilleann pipes, and are perfect for indoor settings. The sound of the drones and melody is captivating - come and be transported! 

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