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International Bird Guide, Aaron Steed to present an Armchair Traveler

A wonderful Armchair traveler presentation to be held in the great room. Aaron Steed, international traveler and bird guide, will recount his recent travels around Spain. For many, Spain brings to mind incredible food (especially 'tapas'), world-famous wine, and a fascinating history & culture. It is perhaps less widely known as a bird watching or eco-tourism destination, yet it has some of the best bird watching & natural areas in all of Europe. It is also home to the world's most endangered feline - the Iberian Lynx!
When Mar 25, 2018
from 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM
Where FENCE Great Room
Contact Name
Contact Phone 828-859-9021
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Join Aaron Steed as he details his recent trip through Spain's picturesque landscapes and charming cobblestone towns in search of birds, wildlife, and last but not least - wine & food. This event is free and open to the public. Following the presentation refreshments will be served.

Thank you to the Kirby Endowment at the Polk County Community Foundation for making this event possible!

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