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Wildflower Journey through Photography
Scott Dean's program this month will be inside for a change. Join him for a photographic journey through many of our local wildflowers. This should be a delight as Scott as many lovely photos of our native flora.
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Tryon & Polk County Venture
Join Simon Thompson for a day out around the foothills of the Blue Ridge. Spring arrives here earlier than in the Blue Ridge and we should see several swallow, warblers and other spring arrivals.
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Spring Bird Hike with Luke Cannon
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Trees and Woody Plants Hike with Luke Cannon
Luke Cannon is one of those rare men who is an all-round naturalist. He is comfortable pointing out birds and identifying fall warblers; teaching folks how to grow organic vegetables and instructing people on what plants to safely eat out in our Western Carolina Woodlands. Luke will teach us how to identify them and even let us know any native-American uses they may have.
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Early Spring Wildflower Walk with Scott Dean
Join naturalist Scott Dean for an hour or two focusing on spring ephemeral wildflowers. We'll discuss how the flowers attract pollinators, why they grow in the forms they do, and general plant community ecology. We'll also have a good time discussing how the common names came into being, cultural and medicinal applications, and just enjoying the beauty of these wonderful plants.
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Free Animal Tracks and Traces Family Hike
Join us for a fun family hike at FENCE! The hike will begin at the pavilion next to the nature center. Led by Americorps member, Amy Schmitte, the hike will last about 2 hours. Learn about all different types of animal tracks and traces, why they are important, and hopefully observe some animal tracks and traces on the property.
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Winter Bird Walk with Simon Thompson
The first bird walk of the year!! Meet at the Trail Shelter for this 2 hour walk. Bring binoculars and good walking shoes, and enthusiasm for a walk exploring the birds in our winter woodlands. Red-tailed and Red-shouldered Hawks are calling and displaying and should soon be building their nests and Red-winged Blackbirds should soon be arriving at the FENCE pond. This program has been made possible by the Kirby Endowment at Polk County Community Foundation.
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Free Armchair Traveler with Simon Thompson
"Wildlife and Scenery of Australia" Australia is truly the "land down-under" with some of the strangest and more distinctive birds and mammals on the planet. Inveterate traveler and Ventures Birding Tours owner, Simon Thompson has led several tours around Australia, including to far Southwestern Western Australia, the deserts of Alice Springs and the old-fashioned beauty of Tasmania. From Duck-billed Platypus in the Queensland rivers to Red Kangaroos in the Outback, join Simon as he takes us on a fascinating journey across Australia."
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Go Fly A Kite
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Ray Hunt, master of true horsemanship through feel said “I'm here for the horse - to help him get a better deal". With this same philosophy, Partnership with Horses was organized with the mission to promote the physical and mental well being of horses by honoring their natural beauty and expression.
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