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Bearwise presentation
Want to learn more about bears in WNC and how to live responsibly with bears. Join us for this great presentation. Presented by Tanya Poole with NC Wildlife Resources Commission.
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Beginner Horse Camp
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Beginner Horse Camp
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Beginner Horse Camp
June 16 through June 20 is horse camp for ages 8 to 12, where participants learn the basics of horse care, including horse safety, grooming and tacking up. Students also learn how to mount a horse, to dismount and how to walk and trot when mounted. This camp is limited to 25 campers, starts at 8:30 AM and ends at 12:30 PM. The cost per camper is $150.
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Beginning Bird Watching with Simon Thompson
Birdwatching (or birding as it's now more often called) is the largest and fastest growing hobby in the country. From backyard birdwatchers to International birding travelers, it is estimated that over 50 million people enjoy birds to some extent or the other.
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Bird Hike with Simon Thompson
Simon Thompson, local ornithologist and international bird guide, will lead a leisurely walk on the FENCE property. This guided walk is free and open to the public. FENCE welcomes everyone from first time birders to advanced birders to join Simon for his walk! Please meet at the FENCE center and remember to dress in comfortable clothing and shoes. Bring along binoculars and local bird guides if you have them.
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Bird Migration with Simon Thompson
With thousands of birds moving north or south with the changing seasons, spring and fall migration can be dramatic here in WNC. Almost every species of bird in North America undergoes some seasonal migration.
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Bret Moore of Blue Ridge Hoofcare “On the Right Track” seminar
How to design, build, and implement a Paddock Paradise track system. Bret will discuss the many benefits of incorporating a track system - both for the health of the horse and for the benefit of your pastures. Bret has nineteen years experience as a professional farrier with a practice emphasis on transitioning horses to a barefoot lifestyle and specialized expertise in rehabilitating and preventing pasture laminitis. Foothills Riding Club educational seminars take place from 7-8 PM in the FENCE great room. Seminars are free to all but a $5 suggested donation is encouraged of non-members. Evening donations will benefit Helping Equines Regain Dignity (HERD).
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Cancelation of Mounted Poker Run due to extreme heat
FENCE is concerned of the safety for the riders and horses due to extreme heat and humidity. Therefore after careful consideration we have opted to cancel this event.
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Canceled - Fall Community yard sale
It's back for the fall! The annual community sale will be held at FENCE from 8am-12pm on the Equestrian side.
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