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Sept. 18: FENCE Family Concert
Singer/songwriter Tom Fisch entertains. Free program made possible with the support of the Kirby Endowment Fund at the Polk County Community Foundation.
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Sept. 19: Family Concert, 4pm
Singer/songwriter Tom Fisch entertains. Free program.
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Sept. 20: Family Concert
Join award-winning pianist Kevin Ayesh for a program of lyric pieces from the Romantic era. Free event.
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Sept. 28 - The Armchair Traveler
Program to be announced.
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Dec. 3: TROT Horse Show
Watch our Therapeutic Riding of Tryon riders show their skills in this annual horse show organized by our riding program for special needs children and adults.
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Go Fly A Kite
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Free Family Concert
The FENCE concert is sponsored by the Kirby Fund, will feature two "mature," in fact, 90 year old musicians, Joseph and Kathleen Erwin. They met while both were students at The Juilliard School in New York City. After both graduated, Joe added "Music Education" to his focus when he accepted Juilliard's invitation to join the faculty. Joe says: This Fence program will be entitled; Transforming Life's Dissonance into Consonance. Like all Fence programs, no tickets are required and all are welcome to this hour of music, followed by special refreshments.
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Animal tracks and tracking program with Steve O'Neil
Over the last two decades Steve has conducted several reptile, bat, bear, and vulture conservation, ecology, and environmental education & research projects studying the Eastern Box Turtle, Black Rat snake, Timber Rattlesnake, Black vulture, Black bear, and our native bats.
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Tina and Her Pony- Free Family Concert
Tina and Her Pony, local Indie Appalachian Folk Duo, will perform in the great room at FENCE for a Free, family concert. Refreshment will be served following the performance. This event is made possible by the Kirby Endowment at the Polk County Community Foundation.
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Wine and Paint with Joan MacIntyre
Wine and Paint Class featuring local artist, Joan MacIntyre. Known most commonly for her artwork of horses, Joan will be painting a portrait of the Famous Man o’ War. Joan will have one painting completed for the attendees to view but will also paint along with the class as she describes techniques and gives tips to complete their own painting. This class is appropriate for beginners as well as individuals who have more experience with painting. The class will use acrylic paint. All supplies are included in the $35 fee for the class. Space is limited and pre-registration is required.
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