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Sorry, but this year's Kids@FENCE Festival has been cancelled.
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Nov. 15: Family Concert, 4pm
The Sparkle City Brass returns to FENCE for this last concert of the season.
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Nov. 16 - Family Concert
The Sparkle City Brass entertains with an eclectic repertoire of selections for trumpet, french horn, trombone and tuba. Free program, made possible with the support of the Kirby Endowment Fund at the Polk County Community Foundation.
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Nov. 20: Family Concert
The Sparkle City Brass presents concert selections for trumpet, French Horn, tuba and trombone. Free program.
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Nov. 21: FENCE Family Concert
The Sparkle City Brass entertains with a program of classical and traditional works for tuba, trumpet, French horn and trombone. Free program.
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Nov. 27: FENCE Holiday Barn Tour
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Oct. 16: Family Concert
Kathleen and Joseph Erwin perform works for piano and violin by Bach, Chopin, Grieg and Kreisler.
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Oct. 19: Family Concert
A free program presenting young fiddler and storyteller Todd Elliot. Offered free with the support of the Kirby Endowment Fund at the Polk County Community Foundation.
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Oct. 26 - The Armchair Traveler
Program to be announced
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October 18: Family Concert
Organist and pianist Brenna Szafron returns to the Great Room. Free program.
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