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Fragrant Plant Gardening Seminar

Join fellow gardening enthusiasts and amateurs at 10:00 A.M. on May 13, 2013 at FENCE for a Fragrant Plant program. Attend this “one of a kind” program to see, feel AND smell great garden plants. See small, medium and large fragrant plants! Learn how to add them to your garden and find out great landscape secrets to providing unexpected fragrance to your space. This program is FREE and will be held in-doors rain or shine. The program will be presented by Sondra Scoggins, master gardener and owner of Motlow Creek Gardens.
When May 13, 2013
from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Where FENCE Center/Great Room
Contact Name
Contact Phone 828-859-9021
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Sondra will share her decades of experience creating and maintaining beautiful gardens and containers.   The program will last approximately 20-30 minutes with a question & answer session.  Refreshments will be served.  Be sure to join Sondra at FENCE on Monday, (5/13) at 10 AM and SMELL the flowers in the air!  This program is presented with the help of the Kirby Endowment at the Polk County Community Foundation.

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